Картели в НЛШ

(EN, FR) Бюлетин на картелите в НЛШ 22 – 02/2025

« I’m starting the Freudian Cause - and restoring […] the basic organ taken from the founding of the School, the cartel, the formalisation of which, I’m refining based on experience […] Four chose each other, to pursue a work that must have its product… I specify: a product specific...

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(EN, FR) Бюлетин на картелите в НЛШ 21 – 07/2024

« I’m starting the Freudian Cause - and restoring [...] the basic organ taken from the founding of the School, the cartel, the formalisation of which, I’m refining based on experience [...] Four chose each other, to pursue a work that must have its product… I specify: a product specific...

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(EN, FR) Бюлетин на картелите в НЛШ 20 – 06/2024

“…the very position that Lacan himself has sustained in his teaching: inciting to know, but from a position of analysand and only speaking from Freud’s work. To give its rightful place to the object in the cartel, therefore, requires that the plusone does not appropriate the effect of attraction but...

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(EN, FR) Бюлетин на картелите в НЛШ 19 – 12/2023

“Those who enter this School will undertake to fulfil a task that is subject to both internal and external supervision... To carry out this work we shall adopt the principle of sustained elaboration in small groups. Each group (we have a name to designate them) will be composed of at least three...

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Критерии за публикуване на текстове в Бюлетина на НЛШ 4+1

Моля, прочетете внимателно тези критерии за подаване; текстове, които не отговарят на критериите, ще бъдат връщани към автора.Текстовете не трябва да са по-дълги от 3500 знака, включително интервалите. Името на картела и темата/въпроса на работа на картела трябва да са включени. Текстовете не трябва да съдържат клинични или лични материали. Картелът има формиращи...

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(EN, FR) Бюлетин на картелите в НЛШ 2/2021

Dear Cartelisands of the NLS, The new Reading Committee of the NLS cartels Newsletter 4 + One (Peggy Papada – London, Christel Van den Eeden – Belgium, Aleksandr Fedchuk – Russia, Olivier Clerc – Switzerland) as well as the two new delegates for cartels of the NLS (Joanne Conway –...

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(EN, FR) Бюлетин на картелите в НЛШ 6/2020

Éditorial n°15 - June/Juin 2020   En cette période de pandémie, le « respect et silence », selon les mots de Bernard Seynhaeve, se sont imposés et ils ont conduit à l’annulation du Congrès de Gand sur l’interprétation. 24 « cartels vers le congrès », déclarés à la NLS, étaient alors au travail sur ce thème....

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(EN, FR) 9-ти Бюлетин на картелите в НЛШ 3/2019

This issue presents a set of papers elaborated by members of Flash Cartels formed in the U.S. prior to the Clinical Study Days 12 held in Miami last January on the theme of «The Psychoanalytic Subject in the Maze: Constructions in Analysis.» Six Flash Cartels had been created several months before on the...

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(EN, FR) Бюлетин на картелите в НЛШ 9/2019

Editorial In this season of back to cartels, «4+ one» proposes to your attention four texts that reflect the diversity of topics studied by cartellisands. Dora Pertessi, under the title «L’urgence collective et le rôle des lathouses», echoing the recent Congress of Tel-Aviv, tells us about these small objects little...

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(EN, FR) Бюлетин на картелите в НЛШ 12/2018

The NLS cartels’ Newsletter La Newsletter des cartels de la NLS Editorial           Le cartel est une porte d’entrée pour l’étude de la psychanalyse, qui s’ouvre sur l’École. Lacan référait son choix du signifiant cartel à l’italien cardo, qui signifie le gond d’une porte1. C’est dire que l’ouverture, la surprise et la découverte sont à l’horizon...

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