This issue presents a set of papers elaborated by members of Flash Cartels formed in the U.S. prior to the Clinical Study Days 12 held in Miami last January on the theme of «The Psychoanalytic Subject in the Maze: Constructions in Analysis.»
Six Flash Cartels had been created several months before on the subject of “Constructions”, producing thirteen papers. Thanks to Alicia Arenas, the Lacanian Compass Cartels’ Delegate, an online videoconference called ”Flash Cartel Presentation” took place one week before the CSD, so as to start situating some of their questions and findings. “4+one” is publishing 5 of them, giving evidence of the desire at work in the Lacanian Compass, the young NLS Associated Group that is now two years old, as well as in the new NLS-Initiative Toronto, and of the fruitfulness of Flash Cartels working in urgency.
Starting from a couple of comic images, Carlos Rivas considers what the analyst is doing or undoing in the construction of a case. Lorena Hojman questions the relationship between the desire of the analyst and the construction of a case. An Bulkens brings forward the idea of the “construction” of contingency, through the stumbling of analytic speech, while Ines Anderson examines how supervision affects the construction of a case. Last but not least, Domenico Cosenza, who was the plus-one of a cartel on “Constructions in Analysis” and one of the Guest Speakers at CSD 12, considers the triad of Unconscious Real/Lying Truth/Urgent Case in the Construction of the Clinical Case
in Psychoanalysis. Finally, and so as to de-complete this series, we are publishing a paper by Florencia Shanahan on “The Trait and the Ones”, where she makes the difference between the reading group and the cartel which relies on the specific trait chosen by each cartelisand and on the plus-one who “calls for a spark of desire to be ignited.”
Enjoy your reading!
Frank Rollier